
Our Mission

Make healthcare more affordable and accessible for all our patients, improve patient experience, and deliver improved healthcare outcomes through personalized care.

Aim to provide a one-stop healthcare and wellness service platform.

Our Vision

Leverage our disruptive technology to elevate the quality of healthcare through total care.

Visionary Leadership Team


Dr Kelvin Chen

Founder & CEO

Dr Kelvin Chen has amassed over 15 years of experience in executive management and in the healthcare sector. He was the former SVP of Healthway Medical.

He holds a Doctorate in Business Administration from the University of South Australia and graduated from University of Greenwich, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science.

William Tan Yew Chee

Chief Financial Officer

Mr William Tan is our Chief Financial Officer and responsible for the financial management and accounting functions of our Group.
Mr Tan has over 30 years experience in various listed companies and was responsible for the overall finance & accounting, human resource, business development & planning functions.
He is also appointed board director of another listed entity in SGX

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